Archives for: November 2009
Gratuitous Nostalgia
By mark on Nov 27, 2009 | In Background | Send feedback »
Sorting through some old pics to try summon up the will to keep going, loads I haven't posted so thought I'd lash a few up, got one from every decade almost apart from the 70's and 80's. Must be some somewhere I reckon. Interesting to see the changes… more »
Caulking a wooden deck
By mark on Nov 23, 2009 | In Fixing stuff | 3 feedbacks »
Had a new, and hitherto reluctant helper today, I believe the correct term may be 'boat widow'. Think she may just be pitying me or trying to humour me a bit though.Time to get the seams caulked and the last few lengths of deck plank laid. The plan… more »
Trawler Conversion Fans of the World Unite!
By mark on Nov 19, 2009 | In News | Send feedback »
Its nice when you get emails that don't insinuate your either fat, depressed, have inherited 12 trillion dollars in nigeria or have a small penis with offers to cure all and make you rich. Had a nice email today from one of Pansy's former keepers, keepe… more »
By charlie_thompson on Nov 18, 2009 | In Welcome | Send feedback »
Monkeys *Ahem*
Another winter comes stuttering and staggering our way, not sure weather it's made it's mind up yet on this global warming affair. My born again enthusiasm and general - do a bit more fellah - attitude took a knock recently. It's gettin… more »
nearly a new deck
By mark on Nov 14, 2009 | In Fixing stuff | Send feedback »
Its painfully slow and bit like being at a test match. The covers are on, the covers are off then the covers are on again and finally bad light stops play. Pretty much finished down the one side at least. Bit off jiggery pokery with the deck planks ne… more »