When is a hammer not a hammer??
By mark on Mar 27, 2011 | In News, Fixing stuff | 1 feedback »
When its a power tool - obviously.
Making the most of the nice spring weather, I had another day of 'doing'. Now the delicate nature of the residents around the marina is such that the use of power tools is strictly verboten on sunday.
So being the considerate soul I am, anything with a switch and finger removing potential was left in its pile.
Instead, a bit of caulking to get the day going, the constant rhythm of hammer on iron as I knocked a mass of oakum in had a few curtains twitching. This was merely the overture though. Feeling a bit devilish I wondered if anyone would complain if I fastened a few more bits that needed fastening. I wasn't going to be using power tools after all, just hand tools - a 4lb mash hammer to drive some 8" iron spikes into solid oak!
Didn't take long before someone took the huff though and came along to inform me that the 'Use of power tools isn't allowed on a Sunday'. They didn't say "look its Sunday, can you take it a bit easy please and thank you" just a blunt statement of the rules. (I bet he's the captain of a golf club!)
Did make me smile though as I looked at the chap and his hangover then looked at the hammer in my hand then back at him and said with a smile "power Tools???"
He was not amused though, some folks just have no sense of humour I guess.
So I got a paint brush out instead and stuck some paint on the gunnel tops. The day wasn't completely without pleasant surprises however, it was low tide and my (not so) furry friend in the not very long at all skirt lent on the rails to say hello again!
Oh I do hope the warm weather keeps up
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Bill Kelleher :))
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