What Smoking Ban??
By mark on Jun 16, 2008 | In Welcome | Send feedback »
Its been a strange few weeks since we got back, all manner of calamities preventing us from getting to grips with the old girl and from getting the blog updated, such that I've now taken to advising anyone that meets me to visit both their doctor and their accountant after seeing me for fear of both death, major illness or bankruptcy!
finally got to have a peruse of some of the pics No 3 took on the way, and one or 2 immediately leapt as being worth sharing. Now the old girl has been sat on the canal for a good while, the engine seldom dooing more than ticking over, so having negotiated the Muirtown locks in Inverness the basin present the first opportunity to open the throttle a bit and get her moving. I think she might of been a bit constipated, no a problem, well not for us anyway, the sea scouts in the basin might think differently - sorry boys ;D

They may show a little compassion though, as once out at sea this is where I could be found for the first day or so, how I didn't succomb tot he black sea phlegm as well is a major achievement

Need to get a proper gallery of sorts stuck on here to stick the rest of the pics up, although, picture taking did end rather abruptly off Rattray as our photgrapher, No 3, found himself a little over come by the emotion of it all or something!
his last contribution of that bit of the voyage was taken as the sea started to get a bit grumpy and the wheelhouse started to get a washdown and that was a few hours before it really picked up and the water feature took on a life of its own!

wee vid clip captured as we passed fraserburgh, a few hours before we hit the lump 'proper' off Rattray, by which time holding a camera and not falling over became a bit too challenging
On a more positive note, Hydraulics Mk4 looks like we might have finally nailed it, so roll on the weekend, weather looks good and hopefully the fish will be wanting to come aboard for a visit
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